今日、ゆーがと旅するところは、クロアチア中央山岳にあるプリトヴィッチェ湖群国立公園です~ なんか、舌を噛んでしまいそうな名前ですね。 階段のような地形の公園内をプリトヴィッチェ川が流れ、段差を流れる92の滝が16もの湖を作っています! 雨が石灰岩の地層を通ることで汚れが取り除かれ、透き通った川や湖になるのです。 水の成分やプランクトンの量によって、湖の色がエメラルドグリーンや青色に見えるって、とっても神秘的! 湖を囲む森林には1100種類を超える植物が自生し、野生動物や鳥、300種類を超える蝶が暮らしているとか。 1979年世界遺産登録2000年に範囲拡大。 せっかくクロアチアにきたのだから、公園内にあるレストランでおいしいクロアチア料理も楽しんじゃおう!
Today, you are traveling with Yuga is to Plitvice Lakes National Park, located in the central mountains of Croatia. The name sounds like something that could make you bite your tongue, doesn't it? Within the park, which has a terrain resembling stairs, the Plitvice River flows, creating 16 interconnected lakes with 92 waterfalls cascading down the terraces. Rainwater passing through the limestone formations cleanses them, resulting in crystal-clear rivers and lakes. Depending on the water composition and the amount of plankton, the lakes appear in shades of emerald green and blue, creating a truly mystical sight. The surrounding forests are home to over 1,100 species of plants, as well as various wildlife, birds, and more than 300 species of butterflies. The park was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979 and its boundaries were expanded in 2000. Since we've come all the way to Croatia, let's enjoy some delicious Croatian cuisine at one of the restaurants within the park!